Cindy Noble's Furr Photos

60 items in this album on 4 pages
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Unknown baby from the trunk.
Unknown boy and dog.
Close up of unknown boy and dog. The post card was from the Furr/Westerwelle trunk.
Unknown Furr. This is not Elery H.
Unknown lady. From Furr trunk.
Close up of Elery H and Rose. Thelma is the child in front newaygo house.
Unknown man and woman postcard, no writing from trunk.
Unknown young girl.
Unknown young man with baseball and glove. From furr/Westerwelle trunk.
Very old photo of unknown farm house. There are many people in this photo. Please help me identify them.
Close ups from previous photo.
People on balcony from previous photo.
This is the mother. She was standing to the right of the house.
Two boys standing on the front porch.
Close up of two of the men from the very old photo.
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