Tracing African-American Furrs has been a daunting task. As shown by their wills & census records, the early Furrs definitely owned black slaves.  I have not been able to trace the lineage of any of these slaves.  It is also not clear that later African-American Furrs are descendants of these slaves.  Below is what I have been able to gather concerning African-American Furrs.  Additions or corrections to this information would be greatly appreciated.


African-American Furr Database


The 1870 census was the first time former slaves had a name.  There were 56 people with the last name of Furr listed as Black and 16 listed as Mulatto.  In the 1880 census, there were 82 listed as Black and 13 as Mulatto.  In the 1950 census, there were 234 listed as Negro, 236 listed as Neg, and 2 listed as Mulatto.


Will of Thomas Furr (1679-1734 -- Loudoun County, Virginia)

Unto my loving wife one servant woman and an orphan boy called by the name of Thos Mcantier.


John Furr (1752-1827 -- Cabarrus County, NC)

1790 census: 2 males over 16, 6 males under 16, 2 females, and 3 slaves.

Western Carolinian, Salisbury, North Carolina, August 30, 1838


Paul Furr (1754-1837 -- Cabarrus County, NC)

1790 census: 1 male over 16, 3 males under 16, 4 females, and 1 slave.


Will:  I bequeath unto my beloved wife Mary Furror to her direction and power to give and sell to whom she pleases and also Eight negros named Partee, Nell, Ibbe, Bil, Tama, Adam, Charles, and Morras, and all their increase and also two hundred dollars in silver also one waggon and gears three head of horses and one colt her own choice also one still containing severty-five gallons and ten hogshead and ten barrells and six small kegs all of her own choice also six cows and calves and one be! ef and six sheep of her own choice and half of the hogs the loom and all the articles belonging to it the wind mill & grind stone & cutting box the womans saddle and mans saddle and bridle and so much of the household and kitchen and farming utensials as she want all of herown choice and the one-half of crop in the field barn graney and cribs also one hundred weights of goods shugar and twenty-five pounds of good coffee, also three bushels of salt ten gallons of rum five gallons of molasses two gallons of wine and also the brass clock the whole of what I have willed to my beloved wife Mary Furr she is to have to dispose of at her direction as she pleases.

2nd. I give and bequath to my son Paul Furror Jr. the plantation whereon he now lives containing two hundred and fifty-four acres more or less all except twenty-five acres convenient to the mill seat which is excepted and also another tract of land conveyed to my by Silas B. Shinn containing sixty-five acres more or less alsoo another tract of land conveyed to me by Geo. Tucker containing one hundred and sixty-five acres more or less also all the Hartman tract lying on the East side of Buffalo Creek the above land estimated or value Two thousand dollars and also one negro girl named Eva valued at Two Hundred Dollars with all their increase.

3rd. I give and bequath unto the bodly heirs of my son Henry Furror the tract of land he now lives containing ninety-two acres and all the land lying on the West side of Buffalo Creek of the Hartman tract and also another fifty acre tract adjoining the same and also one negro boy named Geo.  estimation of land and negro twelve hundred dollars.

4th. I give and bequeath unto the bodily and lawful heirs of my son Leonard Furror, One hundred and fifty acres of land the plantation whereon he now lives and also one other tract of land containing one hundred and twenty acres adjoining on the West side of the aforesaid land and also one negro boy named Peter estimation of land and negro Twelve Hundred dollars.

5th. I give and bequeath unto my son Daniel Furror, all the land of the Willhelm tract which is lying on the East side of Buffalo Creek and also another tract of land containing Two Hundred and forty acress adjoining the North side of the Willhelm tract and also another tract of land which I heired of my Father lying on both sides of Buffalo Creek conatining one hundred and six acres more or less,  also one negro girl named Margaret with all their increase estimation of value Twenty-two hundred dollars.

6th. I give and bequeath unto my daughter Elizabeth Josey three negro women named Mariah, Lucy and Jincy which she now has in her possession with all their increase edtimation Twelve hundred dollars.

7th. I give and bequath unto my daughter Rosana Klutts one negro woman named Venis with her four children with all their increase which she had in possession previous to this time  also three Town lotts one is the lots where the Old Jail stood and the other tow lotts and are adjoining and five acres of land all at the City of Concord estimation for land and negros sixteen Hundred dollars.

8th. I give and bequeath to my daughter Catherine Osborne one negro by the name of Jack and one negro woman by the name of Mile with three children which she now has in her possession with all their increase Estimation or value of negros Fifteen hundred dollars.

9th. I give and bequeath unto my daughter Polly Ury three negro woman named Jane, Peggy and Eva with their increase Estimation thirteen hundred dollars.

10th. I give and bequeath unto my daughter Sally Hilick three negros named Lace, Patsey and Moses with their increase estimation Twelve Hundred dollars.

11th. All the residue and remainder of my ral and personal estate which is not willed in this my last Will and Testament  I order my executor to dispose to sale among my legatees including my wife Mary Furr and all the money arising from such sale or otherwise are to be divided among all my chldren heretofore mentioned in such a manner that will bring them all to an equal amount but including the amount willed to my son Henry and Leonard Furror to their shares and inlcuding my wife Mary Furror to draw an equal share in the amount of sale with the lagatees.

12th. I constitute and appoint Martin Widenhouse Esq.  to be my executor to this my las Will and Testament.  I do hereby make null and void all former Wills by me made before this date and this to be and contain my last Will and Testament in Witness hereof I have hereunto set my hand and seal this 27th day of April  A.D. 1835, Signed, Sealed and delivered in the presence of us Witnesses.


Estate Sales-Moore County, North Carolina Estate of Levi Deaton-December 22, 1842

Sold to: Upsher Furr
Negro girl (Sally)
Negro boy (Tom)

Fayetteville Semi-Weekly Observer, Fayetteville, North Carolina, February 11, 1861


Will of Henry Furr (1762-1851 -- Cabarrus County, NC)

6th. I Will and Bequeath unto my son, Paul M. Furr, my negro man, Wilson, to have the said boy, Wilson, until he, the said Paul M. Furr, arrives to the age of Twenty-One and then to be sold to the highest bidder and the proceeds to be equally divided among all my legatees.

Codicil: I give and bequeath to my son, Paul M. Furr, my negro woman, Helena, until he is Twenty and another year of age. And as soon as he arrives to that age, my will is that, that her and her increase, if any be put up by my Executors at Public Sale and Fifty Dollars of the money she brings, to go to my son Paul M. Furr and the balance of the money she brings, to go to pay for her if not paid for before my Death.


Christian Jacob Furr (1792-1850 -- Lawrence County, MS)

Per family history, when he died his estate included 5 slaves was valued at $20,000.


Wilson Mathias Furr (1804-1860 -- Stanly County, MS)

According to family lore, "He was a very wealthy man who owned many slaves and a large plantation.  He purchased one slave named Patsy, who was caught in Africa by slave traders, for three guns."


Will Book 1, page 216 & 217 Clerk of Court’s Office, Stanly County Court House, Albemarle, N. C. Matthais Furr’s Will

". . . I want them to sell all my loose property such as my wife don’t want, as to the balance of my property consisting of negroes, lands, horses, cattle, hogs, sheep @ give to my wife in trust during her widowhood and should she marry she is to have a child part out of it. . . . If any of the negroes should become so bad that she could not live in peace she shall hire them out during her right over the illegible and the money rising therefrom she may keep to support the family with."


Montgomery County- Earliest Extant Deeds 1774-1842

December 30, 1840 Moses Kisor to Daniel Reap $200.00. One Negro girl named Nicy about the age of five years old. Witness: Mathias Furr and A. Huneycutt


Nicy who was buried at Flat Rock Lutheran Cemetery where Mathias, wife Mary and several of their children were buried. Inscription on her marker was, ‘Sacred to the memory of NICY, a slave, the property of D. Reap. Dec. May 27, 1856, 21 years.’


1810 US Census Culpepper County, Virginia

Furr?, Lucy (F. Negro)


Will of Paul P. Furr (1814-1876 -- Stanly County, NC)

The date was written as April 10, 1876 in the will, but written as April 10, 1860 when will was proven. Since slaves were mentioned in the will, the year of 1860 is obviously correct and the year of 1876 must have been a transcription error by the clerk. Probate Date: September 30, 1876.  ". . . of the county of Cabarrus . . . being Somewhat avanced in years, and in low State of health, and weak in boddy . . . that my beloved wife Eve Furr Shall Sell the black woman Martha + her child Harriett if living to pay my just debts . . . unto my beloved wife Eve Furr all the remainder of my estate both Real and personal, under her entire control + dominion as long as She keeps my name and lives in her widowehood. but in case . . . She Should choose to intermarry again . . . that all my person-al Estate be put to public sale to the highest bider . . . and the proceeds of Such sale be all Equally divided among my beloved wife Eve Furr and all my beloved children then living shear + shear alike . . . and all my Real Estate, it is my will that beloved wife Eve Furr is have one third part thereof, and the remaining two thirds is to be Equally divided among all my children . . . by partition or Sale as it may Seem most Expedient to the Interest of my Said children . . ."


Trustee Sale

“. . . and also all the right, title, interest and claim whatsoever of the said Tobias Furr, in, of, and to the several Negroes, Slaves, for life, as mentioned and described in said deed of trust, to wit:  One Negro woman named Eliza, aged about 28 years; a boy named Frank, about 11 years; a girl named Lucy ebout (sic) 9 years; a boy named Bob, about 4 years; and a boy named Jesse, about two weeks old; or so much thereof, as may be sufficient to pay and satisfy said note and interest, together with all costs and charges attending the premises for ready money for the purposes in said deed of trust contained.  Jas. B. McLelland, Trustee, may 16, 2 6 w

Macon Intelligencer, Macon, Mississippi, May 16, 1838


United States Census (Slave Schedule), 1850

Prairie County, Arkansas

Daniel Furr, one female, age 12


Hall County, Georgia

Paul Furr, 5 females, ages 19-60, 6 males, ages 3-38

Stephen Furr, 2 females, ages 20 & 10, one male, age 2

T.T. Furr, one female, age 19


Woodford County, Kentucky

Meredith Furr, one female age 15, one male age 60


Chickasaw County, Mississippi

Titus Furr, 2 females, 18 & 0, one male, age 24


Winston County, Mississippi

Tobias Furr, one male, age 16


Cabarrus County, North Carolina

Daniel Furr, one female, age 18

Henry Furr, two females, ages 35 & 35

Paul D. Furr, one female, age 10

Paul P. Furr, one female, age 9

Samuel Furr, one male, age 20


Moore County, North Carolina

Upshur Furr, 2 females, ages 15 & 48, 3 males, ages 13-30


Stanly County, North Carolina

Mathias Furr, 3 females, ages 0-19, 2 males, ages 56 & 4


Clarke County, Virginia

Johnson Furr, one male, age 60, one female, age 13


Hampshire County, Virginia

Nimrod Furr, 5 females, ages 16-35, 3 males, ages 0-28


Loudoun County, Virginia

Catherine Furr, 2 females, ages 17 & 11, two males, ages 58 & 0

Fenton Furr, one female, age 22, 2 males, ages 23 & 1

William Furr, 3 males, ages 19-35


United States Census (Slave Schedule), 1860

Ouchita County, Arkansas

Daniel Furr, one male, age 23


Banks County, Georgia

Isaac S. Furr, 4 females, ages 2-27, one male, age 1


Hall County, Georgia

Paul Furr, 4 females, ages 8-60, 5 males, ages 11/12-50

Stephen Furr, 6 females, ages 3-26, 7 males ages 3/12-13


Woodford County, Kentucky

M. Furr, one female, age 7


Copiah County, Mississippi

G. W. Furr, one female, age 20, one male, age 10

H. Furr, 3 females, ages 5-40, 3 males, ages 2-13


Lawrence County, Mississippi

Anderson Furr, one male, age 22

Catherine Furr, one female, age 35, 10 males, age 4-25

Henry Furr, 6 females, ages 2-40, 8 males, ages 2-40


Marshall County, Mississippi

Caleb Furr, one female, age 42, one male, age 22


Alamance County, North Carolina

Rebecca Furr, 2 females, ages 60 & 25


Cabarrus County, North Carolina

Daniel Furr, 4 female, ages 0-27, 2 males, ages 3 & 7

Paul P. Furr, 2 females, ages 0 & 18

Paul M. Furr, one male, age 45


Rowan County, North Carolina

Saml M. Furr, one male, age 30


Titus County, Texas

Jepthae Furr, one female, age 23


Alleghany County, Virginia

Moses B. Furr, 5 females, ages 0-27, 2 males, ages 5 & 11


Clarke County, Virginia

J. Furr, one female, age 12, two males, ages 10 & 16


Hampshire County, Virginia

Nimrod Furr, Emily, 33 years, Mary, 28 years, Charles, 18 years, Andrew, 8 years, Jacob,6 years, James, 4 years, Belle, 3 years, Ellen, 2 years


Loudoun County, Virginia

C. Furr, one female, age 32, one male, age 9

C. Furr, 3 females, ages 4-35, one male, age 1

Catherine Furr, 2 females, ages 12 & 28, 4 males, age 8-68

Fenton Furr, 4 females, ages 2-46, 3 males, ages 3-22

Jos Furr, one female, age 12

Jos Furr, 3 females, ages 5-43, one male, age 8

Kemp Furr, one female, age 25, one male, age 8

William G. Furr, 2 females, ages 1 & 20, 4 males, 13-45


1860 Census Hungary Neck District, Somerset County, Maryland, p 16

Levin Furr, 60, Male, Black, Laborer, Personal Estate $50, b. Maryland

Augusta, 50, Female, Black, b. Maryland

John, 20, Male, Black, Laborer, b. Maryland


Civil War Persion Index

Furr, Samuel Union Infantry 39th Regiment, United States Colored Infantry Furr, James Union Infantry 53rd Regiment, United States Colored Infantry


Abstracts of Loudoun County Virginia Register of Free Negroes 1844-1861 by Patricia B. Duncan

NAME: FURR, Catharine
PROOF: free woman as proved by oath of George Head
DESCRIPTION: abt 58y old, black colour, 5'4" tall, scar in the breast by a burn some 6" long across the breast, a scar on top of her head from a burn & a large flesh mole on the left side of her neck just below the hair.
DATE: 11 Jun 1844
RECORD #: 1378


Ex-slave Interview ( -- Hall County, Georgia

Anderson Furr, age 87, "Born in Slavery: Slave Narratives from the Federal Writers' Project, 1936-1938"
States he was born in Hall County. His parents were Lydia and Earl Strickland. His siblings were Bob, Abe, Bill, Jim, and Sarah. He married first Martha Freeman. They had two children Willie and Ida. He married second Mamie White, but had no children. According to Barbara L. Furr (, "not all the siblings took the surname Furr, some I think kept the last slave owners name of Strickland. The Slave owners were Earl and Sarah Strickland. Anderson's death certificate states that his mother, Lydia was born in Shelby, N.C. Furthermore, the death certificate was signed by a Robert Strickland who had to make his mark, which leads me to think he was Anderson's brother rather than a son, since Anderson died in 1940, about 85 years old. Anderson states in the slave narrative that his two children did not live beyond childhood"


Barbara L. Furr (

Albert Furr, born in Georgia and died in Kentucky in 1929. Have not found his parents or siblings. He might be the Abe listed as brother to Anderson Furr. So far I have found no proof. He married Louisa Bond in January 1881. They lived in Commerce, Jackson County Georgia. They had 4 children: John H. Furr b. December 1881, Luther b. April 1889, Elizabeth Furr b. 1893, and my grandfather Clinton b. 1900.

